Thursday, August 18, 2016

Meet the Teacher!

Summer is officially winding down rapidly and the time had come for Meet the Teacher at school. We received our letter from the school just a few days ago letting us know that Kate would have Mrs. Ostlie this year, which prompted a few text messages to her friend's moms. We were both sad to learn that Tatum and Addi would both have Mrs. Lenth, so her 2 best friends were not going to be in her class. However I took that as an opportunity to talk to Kate about making new friends and because they're adopting a new schedule based on some study from TCU, she gets 4 recesses this year so that's ample opportunity to still play with her friends in other classes.

Nick had a power outage emergency at work, so he could not accompany us to the school. I know he was bummed about that, but sometimes things happen. Kate and I sent him a selfie on our way in to make him feel better.

She was a tad nervous, but I think that's normal. It helped that as we walked up to the school, Tatum's little sister, Tillie, spotted us and ran over to give hugs. So we hopped in line with them, and the girls immediately forgot about their nerves.

We made our way down the hall and found Kate's room. She's not all that far from Ms. Anderson's room, and of course we had to go see our kindergarten teacher before we could leave.
Mrs. Ostlie's room doesn't use tables, each student has a desk (although they are arranged in groupings) so Kate was pretty excited to have her own desk this year. She found her cubby, and we made sure that all of her school supplies that I ordered from the PTA were there (thank you for that option!!). She explored the classroom, checked all her fellow student's names on the desks to see who she would know, and we took a few photos. Then we were out the door and home by 6:30.

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