Saturday, December 10, 2016

Young Adult Christmas Fun

One thing I have always wished that Nick and I got to do was attend a fancy office Christmas party. Anchor never had a Christmas party...they used to do a pictures with Santa evening thing, but they even stopped doing that a few years back so we were left with nothing. I was always jealous of friends and family members who would post photos of their holiday parties online. I wanted to dress up and attend one! So I was pretty excited when I found out that StaffOne had an office Christmas party...until I learned that it was the same night as the young adult Christmas party at church. Last year Nick volunteered himself and I to plan this year's party...which meant we couldn't skip it for the office party. So I will go another year without a fancy holiday party to attend, and I will be bitter about it until December 2017.

As the people in charge, we had to come up with a food plan (have everyone bring finger foods), an entertainment plan (google Christmas party games online) and a decor plan (reach out to Aimee for the proper inspiration and text Heather while frantically trying to come up with centerpieces). Because Nick was now at his new job, and not home early in the evenings, ALL of the party planning fell on me. I had several options for games, and food was no biggie, but my decor ideas were dead so I was grateful for friends who helped me figure that out and all I had to do was execute their visions.
We had 28 in attendance (yay!) and everyone seemed to have a really good time. We had a "guess how many in the jar game," we unwrapped various prizes from a couple of huge saran wrap "snowballs," and then we had 3 teams that had to use partners to wrap 6 Christmas gifts in a race. There was lots of smiles and laughter (and lots of food) so I think it was a success. Don't expect me to do it again next year though - I'm going to my fancy office party.

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