Tuesday, January 14, 2014


On Sunday afternoon there was a large Instagram photowalk in downtown Dallas. Apparently it was some sort of worldwide "have a photowalk" weekend because they were happening all over the place. I got wind of it from some kids I follow on Instagram, so I gathered a few of my people from our Fort Worth photowalks to go with me. 

The group that put on this weekend's walk we affectionately refer to as hipsters. They're young, 20-something kids with all these weird creative ideas and even weirder wardrobes. But they're pretty artsy, and a lot of the time I find myself really admiring the pictures they post. Other times I just shake my head. Our older group totally doesn't fit in and they probably wonder why we are there (even though they say "everyone is welcome!") but we had fun anyway, and that's all that matters.
 There were over 70 people that showed up to explore the area. We met at the Main Street Garden, which is a block over from the Majestic Theater. I had never spent any time on that end of downtown, so I was excited to see some new sites.
 This weekend marked world wide Instameet 8, hence the photo below:
 Here's our little group of Fort Worth misfits, trying to represent the normal, old folks amongst the young, hipster, artsy fartsy types. Notice the lack of skinny jeans in our photo. If you could see the people in the big group shot better, you would note a large amount of skinny jeans adorning male bodies. Skinny jeans aren't flattering, guys. Really.

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