Carving pumpkins is an important family tradition for us. Every year we spend the week of Halloween practically living at my mother-in-law's house so we can carve as many pumpkins as we can for Halloween night. We set out our display right before sunset and sit back to watch all the kids and adults alike marvel at our creations. Nana spends all week processing pumpkin guts so that we have fresh pumpkin all year long - we don't waste a thing! Then at the end of the evening we "gag 'em and bag 'em". That's a fun way of saying that we put them in the back of the truck and haul them off.
We have a page on Facebook , so make sure you go "like" our page. We are The Pumpkin People of Saginaw, TX.
We are also on Instagram, so be sure to follow us there:
To view our pumpkin pictures on Flickr, click here.
Pumpkin Carving Day 3 10/30
Pumpkin Carving, Day 2 10/29
Pumpkin Time, Carving Day 1 10/28
Some pics from Halloween night 10/31
Halloween Night-Carving Day 4 10/31
Carving Day 3 10/30
Carving Day 2 10/29
Carving Day 1 10/28
Halloween Day, Finishing the Pumpkins 10/31
Carving Day 3 10/30
Carving Day 2 10/29
Halloween 2015, day 1 10/28
Halloween Night! 10/31
Halloween day! Final carvings 10/31
Pumpkin Carving, day 2 10/30
Halloween 2014 - Lets get started! 10/29
The Crowley House-Gerald
The Crowley House-Karyn
Halloween Night, 10/31
Halloween Day, 10/31
Pumpkin Carving Day 3, 10/30
Pumpkins Day 2, 10/29
It's Pumpkin Time! 2013 Day 1, 10/28
Halloween Night 10/31
Pumpkins! 10/31
Tuesday Pumpkins 10/30
It's Pumpkin Time! 10/29
Final Day! It's Halloween! 10/31
Pumpkin Carving Day 3 10/30
Pumpkins Part 2 10/29
It's Pumpkin Time! 10/28
Halloween Night, 11/01
Karyn's Pumpkins, Part 2, 11/01
More Pumpkins, 11/01
Look More Pumpkins, 10/30
Pumpkins Day 2, 10/30
Karyn's Pumpkins, 10/29
It's Pumpkin Time, 10/29
Korte Pumpkins, 2009 11/02
Halloween Family Fun, 11/01
Crossed the Finish Line, 10/31
7 Last Night! For Real!, 10/30
More Punkins, 10/28
Halloween Has Begun, 10/26