Wednesday, August 1, 2007

1 picture every day

I spotted a photography challenge on a scrapbook forum and decided that even though I do not frequent that forum I will take up the challenge posted and see what happens. It is simple: I have to take 1 photo every day for the month of August. It can be of anything, anyone, anywhere. So I will do this and I will post them well as one of my albums on Facebook. So, without further adieu, I give you today's photo:It rained again today. It has done this every afternoon, usually during my drive home, for the past few days. I can't really complain much - the temperatures outside have been very nice compared to past Augusts. (That looks strange plural.)

I use an ATG for my scrapbooking. It's a big yellow tape gun, if you are unfamiliar. I love it. The ATG is probably the best adhesive out there for scrapbooks. Several people online I have noticed have decided that the yellow is just kind of ugly...and I kind of agree. But I never intended to be one of those people who "altered" their ATG. I mean, really...who's going to take the time to take apart their tape gun, buy special spray paint for plastic, and paint there adhesive gun and then decorate it with rub-ons and such. Not me. That's so silly.

I present to you my ATG, as it currently looks:

It's not yellow, you may have noticed. Not since I spray painted it last night. I know, I's terrible. I caved. I went to Wal-Mart last night after 9 pm, no less, and I bought that special kind of spray paint for plastics and I came home and taped up the pieces of my gun I didn't want to paint, after I took part of it apart, of course, and now it is waiting for me to apply the packages of bling and rub-ons I bought specifically for my little ATG gun.
I am weak. Tomorrow's pic of the day will probably be of my cute little ATG gun.

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