Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween is over

I am sad that it's over, but my body is so happy! Three intense days of carving and I don't think I could scrape out another pumpkin if I had to. My back is achy, my right arm and hand are sore, and the cuts on my thumb and palm are just starting to heal. It was so worth it though.

When it's all said and done, I managed to carve 12 myself and Nick did 8. We had 2 from last year that I did and adding in his mother's and sister's, we had 35 in the yard. Score! It's SO great to be the house on the street that draws a crowd. We had people everywhere, standing around and asking questions and taking photos. I think almost everyone asked "Did y'all carve all of those?" A huge part of me really wants to answer that with some smart remark, but it's nicer and easier just to smile and said "yep, we did!" Kids reactions are great - they have to shout out the names of the faces they recognize and make sure Mom/Dad saw each and every one. The only stressful part is trying to keep people from walking through them in the yard. We spread them out but it still makes me nervous to have kids stepping over and around, with costumes flowing in the wind near the open flames. These things are very fragile and it always surprises me that parents don't feel the need to tell their kids to stay on the sidewalk until one of us loudly asks people to be careful. Thankfully we had no incidents, but we're thinking next year of buying some Halloween faux police tape and roping off the yard. My suggestion was actually BB guns, but no one else thought that was very nice.

So, I know, you are wanting to see photos, yes? As of this very moment, 01Nov07 @ 9:56 am, I only have the 20 that Nick and I contributed uploaded online. Feel free to browse through them in my Flickr account. I will upload more photos tonight, but I was just too tired last night to continue. (You can also see the 72 Halloween cupcakes I made last Friday night for Trunk or Treat at church.)


{S} said...

oh, wow!!! so cool! you totally rock at carving!! You could win contests with those! tell me, how do you get such clear focused pics in the dark?
Awesome luck on the shopping, like I said before, i wanna go shopping with you!!

Jen Hoover said...

I looked through your flixster pics I still have to show Dawson the pumkins!!!
have you read my blog lately?

Laurie said...

Your pumpkins are amazing!!! where do you get the patterns? I can't wait to show the boys!!

Anonymous said...

oh man .. you REALLY need to upload all the pictures!

i'm dying to see them!

Ann Marie said...

Brandi, those are awesome!!! Do you have a shot of your whole yard?