Sunday, January 20, 2008

Inhale. Exhale. Feel the extension. Inhale.

We've been doing pilates. I feel like I should be doing something on the days that I don't go to Curves. I didn't quite do that every single day this week, but I did tonight so that' s better than nothing. Nick has actually been doing pilates with me and he really enjoys it. He says his back feels better afterwards. It's nice to be able to do something like that together and I don't have to worry that he's going to come into the living room and make fun of me for flailing about in the floor while I try to remember if I'm supposed to inhale or exhale at this part. The breathing is the hardest part for me to get down.

We went to my niece's first birthday party this weekend. I can't get over how big she has gotten. It's been 1 year already?? That doesn't seem possible. She's a cutie though and I thoroughly enjoy being around her. As it seems to be tradition for every child on their first birthday, she got her own little bitty pink cake and was allowed to dig in and make a huge mess while eating it happily. Poor girl had pink icing up her nose, in her hair, and behind her ear. I'm glad I wasn't in charge of clean up!



Sherri said...

HOW CUTE! she's a doll. You are going to have a blast scrapping those photos!

TammyB said...

Cute little girl - I love the pigtails!

{S} said...

awww, she is so cute!!

Congrats on the photo!!