Thursday, February 14, 2008


Yay!! I finished my living room project - the paint is dry and the stuff is going back in the room. It looks so much bigger now that the walls are bright and cheerful. Wood paneling is just plain sad...I'm so glad I painted it!

I was sad for Josiah Leming not making it into the Top 24 on American Idol, and some time when I'm not so tired I'll share all my pet peeves about the people who did make it in. For now I'll just tell you that if you want to support Josiah in his endeavors to become a singer, go to his MySpace and buy his songs. I purchased 17 of them tonight for $15, and I'm an illegal music downloader at heart. If I can do it, you can do it.


Laurie said...

it looks awesome!!

{S} said...

WOW!! you work fast! your room looks really homey and comfortable. I really like the color. Congrats at getting that project checked off your list. So what's next? you have one week left? I say scrapping , lots and lots of scrapping!
Happy Valentines day!!

TammyB said...

Looks great!

Jen Hoover said...

that looks GREAT! was it that dark'ish brown panel before? our basement had 3? or 4? different colours of panel - I liked the one it looks more 'natural' and DARK it's only at my scrapping end the rest was yucky and it's now AVOCADO GREEN! :D

Sherri said...

yeah, it looks great!