Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vacation Bible School

VBS falls right in the middle of a very busy week for us. We missed the first night because we were still driving home from our trip to Mount Pleasant. Kate and I went on Monday evening (I'm always the official photographer), and last night I had a Thirty-One meeting so Nick took Kate. Tonight we have birthday festivities for Karyn, so Kate won't get to go on the final night. There's just not enough time in the week to get it all done.
But she had a blast the two nights she was able to go, despite not wanting to sit with her class during the praise and worship time in the auditorium. Those kids are just too loud, she says. (I sort of agree.) Thankfully Miss Christy sat with her in the back and took care of her so I could run around shooting pictures. Kate loves Miss Christy!

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