Thursday, November 20, 2014

Preschool Thanksgiving

Today we were invited to eat Thanksgiving lunch with Kate at preschool. I was assigned a dessert to bring this year, so Kate helped me make cupcakes yesterday. They were all gone at the end of the luncheon, so I assume they were a hit. Kate has the whole week off next week from school for the holidays, which meant that after lunch was over she could leave with us early instead of having to stay until 2.
Early dismissal meant that we headed over to the mall to hang out for a bit. Kate picked another angel off the Salvation Army Angel Tree, a 5 year old girl who wants a kitchen set and needs a new coat. We talked about why the angel tree was there and what it meant to help out, even though we aren't rich by any means, we have more than many people and she was so happy to be able to do what she could for another little girl.

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