Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gifts and excitement

How was your Christmas?? Mine was great!!
I got a new pair of black boots to replace the pair I've had for 5+ years and are developing holes in the back. Nick bought me a big, fuzzy Minnesota Vikings hoodie that I love! (That wasn't on the list...he did well.) I got a new Fossil watch (yay!) and some CDs I wanted. I think between the 2 of us we ended up with 8-10 new DVDs and Nick got another 6 more CDs from his list. I got a gift bag full of Sharpies and gel pens and a P-Touch Labeler!!! (I love office supplies.) Nick also bought me a huge office file for all our important papers and records, so I can now condense 3 files into one. I'm very excited about that. He also surprised me with tickets to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra this Friday night! I have been trying to win tickets but was unsuccessful, and now I get to go anyway. This is going to be the third year in a row we've gone, so I think it has officially become a tradition for us. We'll just have to go every year now. I also got some new calendars, some cool Paris-themed stuff, and Mom bought Guitar Hero 3 for us! Go Mom!!

We've been busy, busy. On the 23rd, we went to the musical version of A Christmas Carol. I love going to Bass Performance Hall. On Christmas Eve we went to my mom's for lunch and gifts, then that evening we went to Nick's mom's for dinner and gifts. On Christmas morning we opened our gifts to each other at the house while we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas (which I got for Christmas on DVD and I LOVE...the cartoon, BTW, not that horrible excuse for a movie.). Then we headed to my dad's house for lunch and gifts there. My brother and his wife came up to Dad's, along with my super-precious niece Kylie. She will be a year old next month (which I CANNOT believe) and so her first Christmas she actually was old enough to enjoy and open stuff. She was still more excited about all the tissue and wrapping paper than some of the gifts, but we had fun anyway. It was a long and exhausting 2 days. Tonight we're going out to the Gaylord Texan with my Mom and stepdad to see the ICE! exhibit. Then tomorrow night is the TSO concert and I *think* after that things are settling down, at least until the first week of January.

What happens then?
I turn 30.

I'm not overly depressed about it until I start to think long and hard about it. I don't think it's the act of turning 30 that's so upsetting. I think it's more all the stuff I haven't done by 30 that is depressing. I figured I'd have at least one child by now, but so far that hasn't been in the cards. Once our new insurance gets straightened out I need to find a new doc and get that situation rolling. I hope 30 is the year of some exciting stuff happening. I am pretty excited about that parties for my birthday celebrations. I am not allowed to plan anything. I was asked what kind of cake I want and if pizza would be okay for the family party. Other than that I have no clue what all is taking place but I think probably there is going to be a family event and a friend event. I know Nick is pretty busy getting things organized and sorted out...he is excited so I'm hoping it's good. I bet it will be though - he's pretty creative. I love that he's getting into the festivities.

My best friend got engaged last week! I got to take her now-fiance to Robbins Bros. and help pick out the ring. That was so much fun!! If you know anyone in the market for an engagement ring, I highly recommend their store. We learned so much about jewelry and their people were great. I really had a blast. Her ring is gorgeous...soooo beautiful. He's in the Navy and this next year he'll be on a ship for 7 months out of the year, so they were planning to wait until 2009 to get married. I got a text message from her on Christmas Day stating that she doesn't want to wait that long!! LOL I knew that....I am not sure if they have discussed moving the date up yet or not, but it was a possibility. That means that I really need to get my weight loss plan in gear because I am the matron of honor. I'll also have to plan lots of stuff for it's going to be a busy time for a while now. Guess I should buy some bridal magazines.

So for your enjoyment, here is a slideshow with pictures from this holiday season.

1 comment:

{S} said...

your Christmas sounds so perfect. I loved looking at your photos. Have fun with all your new things and at the TSO concert. You know I love them too. :~)