Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Force is strong

I blame Bakerella. And Williams-Sonoma. And my little brother Trey.

Ok, not really my little brother Trey. Well, kind of. He's the one having the Star Wars birthday party this weekend. Star Wars. Again. He'll be 9, by the way. Life isn't fair!
So I went to Southlake today to buy these:Don't try to resist. The Force is strong with these.Yoda. Bake him I shall. Eat him I will."Luuuuuke, I am your cookie."How can you not buy these? Nick should be thankful I passed on the pancake molds, because I was this close to buying them as well. I hope they come out with more cookie cutters because all will not be right in the world until I can bake little Wookies, R2D2 and C3PO.


Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

how much did they set you back? I think I need to own those!! my son will be 9 on his next bday! ;) but would LOVE these!!!

Unknown said...

I bought the pancake molds. :D

Jamie said...

Was this the reason for your trip to Williams-Sonoma? I might be able to get Ashley to go with me there to get those! I mean, Luke has to have some Star Wars cookies someday, right?

Laurie said...

I love them!! I'm reading your posts out of order so I already commented on the finished cookies :) you've inspired me to make a batch of my own.