Saturday, May 15, 2010

I can help

Kate has taken to solids like it's no big deal. She gets excited when I put her in her high chair and let's us know when we are taking too long between bites. She also likes to help me feed her.
With every bite, she grabs my hand to pull it to her mouth. Then she sticks her hand in her mouth after the spoon is gone. Apparently this helps her eat the food somehow. It also means that my hand is covered with baby food by the time I am finished feeding her.
Truth be told, I think she just wants to do it herself. Mommy is not ready for that yet.


Angy said...

So sweet Brandi, I love seeing her grow through your eyes. You are an amazing mom and I am so proud of you and happy for you! Also, make Ree's cinnamon rolls, they are SO easy and very tasty. Even Caleb likes them - he said oh good, you are making the good ones when I told him I was making the cinnamon rolls. LOL (plus with 7 pans of rolls you can freeze them for later, which is what I do, or you can send them in to work with Nick or take to a friend.)

Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

as great as it is that Kate is healthy and growing... tell her to SLOW DOWN! ;)