She's such a little person now. She says things besides "momma" and "daddy". Just the other day she brought her empty sippy cup to me, gave me the most serious face she could muster, and said "mo." She almost says book, minus the k sound, when it's time for her and daddy to sit down and read. When she wants banana, she says "nana". Occasionally you wil say something to her and it almost sounds like she says "yeah" in response.
She dances when she plays musical toys. It's a cute little bouncy move. She's getting closer to being able to run, not just walk. Almost nightly she wants daddy to chase her up and down the hallway in the house, and she just giggles like crazy as he follows behind her and says "I'm gonna get you!"

Kate's obsessed with my shoes. She carries my tennis shoes, which are close to the same size she is, all over the house. One evening Nick walked into our bedroom to fetch the child and caught her

She makes me laugh every single day. It's so cute when she thinks she can hide from you just by covering her eyes with her hands. She giggles as I ask "where's Kate?" then she'll throw her hands in the air so I can say "peek-a-boo!"
She's slowly making friends with our dog and cat. It boggles my mind that our cat will allow Kate to pet her and will even rub up against her sometimes because the cat doesn't have anything to do with me 90% of the time.
We're having a family party tomorrow, Dr. Seuss themed of course, and I am super duper excited about the goodies I spent all day long baking yesterday.
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