Today was the beginning of Kate's birthday weekend. Uncle Jason, Aunt Heather, Kylie and Logan arrived from Tyler to spend the day and night with us for the party tomorrow. We ate a big lunch, and then headed out to Grapevine Mills Mall.

Kylie wanted to ride the carousel, and since they're small and we weren't really sure whether they'd react well or not, we kept the two little ones on the sidelines. It wasn't worth the risk of $4 extra dollars for babies and parents if they were going to cry the whole time.

We then headed over to Build a Bear, and that's going to have to have it's own post. It was too cute for just a brief summary.

We ended our adventure at the mall by eating at the Rainforest Cafe, which we assumed Kylie would love. We were wrong. It was too loud for her and every time the thunder and lightening would start, making the animals all go crazy, Kylie would throw her hands over her ears and announce that she wanted to eat somewhere else. We finally bribed her with a balloon animal and a promise of ice cream later if she'd be brave so we could finish our meal.
After we filled our bellies with Yogurt Patch frozen yogurt, we came home and threw all the kids in the bath together. It was Kate's first shared bath experience and she was ok for a little while, but then she decided she had enough and wanted out. Whew, what a day!
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