Friday, January 14, 2011

Project 365 Week 2

01/08/11: Today was my family birthday lunch. My sweet, wonderful, excellent husband bought me a Black Rapid R-strap for my Canon! WOOHOO!
01/09/11: Sitting on the couch in my fuzzy slippers, watching football.
01/10/11: I spent some time laying in the floor playing with my little girl today.
01/11/11: Investigators are still trying to figure out what happened in this tragedy. Two young dolls were found, face down in the shower. Was it a murder/suicide? Were they both victims of the same ruthless little girl? Or is it some sort of religious mass suicide? We may never know. Those close to the dolls are saying it's somehow linked to the strange date: 1/11/11. (I found these two guys like this in the shower. )01/12/11: Valentine's Day has officially thrown up all over the retail world. I really sort of hate this holiday. All of the red and pink stuff everywhere is just so tacky.
01/13/11: Kate peeks through the door between our laundry room and the kitchen.
01/14/11: I started a new work out video today. It pretty much kicked my tail.


Angy said...

Great job Brandi, I am attempting Project Life but not necessarily a photo a day. Definitely trying to document weekly life though. I love your commentary too.

Anonymous said...

shower was a nice touch. :)

Jenn said...

Love these! One of these days I want to get more consisitent in my picture taking. Thanks for the motivation!

{S} said...

I'm loving the vibe of your project! It's going to be an amazing year!

Angy said...

Just wanted to let you know that I tagged you in a Q&A if you want to play. Oh and I love the shower shot - too funny!

Angy said...

I loved the pic that Pam took also - cracked me up that they were ninja fighting in the background. I got my binder at amazon. Think they are out of stock right now but supposed to be back in stock soon. The Amber album would be perfect for you I think. I think I am going to get another one for the last several years worth of photos. help me to catch up without the stress of being so artsy. Oh and I think being tagged is eek worthy also but I thought it might be quick and fun...