Monday, September 12, 2011

YAWYK August Update

Yeah, so I'm a little behind on getting my August YAWYK update posted.  The good news is that I didn't lose the piece of paper with our tally on it though!  That is a pretty big accomplishment.

In August, we removed 70 items.  We obtained 68 items.  Yeah, not so great.  I take ownership of that number and blame Goodwill...and Thrift Town.  So far in 2011 we have removed 1310 items and obtained 655 for a net total removed of 655 items. I find that a little bit creepy, I'm not going to lie.

I say it every month, and I'll just throw it out there again - I could remove a whole lot more of this stuff if someone would buy my house and force me to go through it all!  You know, throwing some good vibes out into the universe or something. We've hit a bit of a people-coming-to-see-the-house dry spell.  I'm trying not to let this get me down.  I'm also failing at that, on occasion.  I'm meeting with our realtor tomorrow though to discuss some ideas.  Maybe he has magic beans or something.

I spent my 9/11 today creating a painting of the New York skyline at Painting with a Twist.  They had a "Painting with a Purpose" fundraiser for the Red Cross.  I really enjoyed channeling my creative side to help me remember the attacks rather than focusing on footage and pictures of what happened.  Those aren't images I'm likely to ever forget, and I've already spent enough time this week browsing through them again that I didn't feel the need to continue to do so today.  The two beams of light on the right are my "twin towers".

I felt it was important not just to sign this painting but to also date it.  Never forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice