Saturday, February 9, 2013


The house is coming along nicely. It feels good whenever I get to mark something off the "staging needs" list that our real estate agent left with us. Last weekend while I was away Nick and Bill tackled the shed project and replaced the rotted trim boards that needed it, and they did a few other things in the house that were needed and not really in my realm of capability (like changing plugs). This week I tackled the laundry room. It needed to be cleared out, a few tiles on the floor replaced, and I decided on a whim to paint it because it really needed a fresh coat of paint and I had just enough left over from the master bathroom to do so.
I moved out much of the stuff that had collected in the laundry room like insecticides and stuff that should have gone out in the shed but it was just easier to stack them in the laundry room. I also organized the shed interior and threw away a bunch of stuff that hadn't been touched in years. It's amazing how much junk you collect. I found a bottle of stump remover in the laundry room. I've never had to remove a stump before in my life, so why on earth we had a bottle of stump remover is beyond me.
I've also been going through and packing up stuff here and there. The house is getting emptier and emptier, and it's sort of sad but also sort of cool because I'm trying to think of it as "pre-packing" since we'd have to pack it all anyway. A couple of weeks ago I finished repainting the accent wall in the living room so I went ahead and took down all the crosses that were hanging so I could putty the holes and just hung one item up in their place. We cleared out all the furniture that needed to be moved from the living room so now it's all set to go, except that I still need to clean out the fireplace and I am kind of tempted to paint the mantle because it's a sad brown color and blends into the equally sad brick that I'm not going to paint but would like to.
Nick moved 70 landscape stones today to the front so I can get started on building the flower bed we needed to build once the weather is nice again. The yard stuff is the last major project, everything else is minor (well except that the front and side of the shed have to be painted now.). Won't be long now!

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