Friday, April 4, 2014

Random Kate-ness

Last month, Karyn got ambitious and created Kate a Princess Tiana dress from scratch (as in, no pattern) and surprised her with it. She was very excited, and promptly asked Karyn to make her an Elsa dress, specifically Elsa's coronation dress. It's really quite difficult to say no to the little cutie pie, so Karyn went right to work and really outdid herself. Here are both creations:
Kate already has the Walmart version (because Mommy can't sew) of Elsa's dress once she becomes the ice queen, which is cute but really could be so much better, you know, if Aunt Karyn did her own version...just sayin'....
I mean come on, the Walmart dress doesn't even really look like Elsa's dress. It's a pretty sad copy.
Anyway, on Thursday they had western day at school. We really aren't western people, although Kate does own a pair of hot pink cowgirl boots, so basically we paired that with a My Little Pony t-shirt because ponies are western...sort of...right? She looked cute, regardless.
Lastly, but certainly not least, I was cleaning off the point and shoot camera that I gave to Kate a while back. I never used it anymore, and she needed more of a real camera to use. As I was sorting through the tons of pictures of her favorite cartoons on the TV, the walls, the dog, the cat, blurry pics of me and Nick....I came across this:
Kate's first selfie. I like it.

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