Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Piano Man

Tonight is the big night - Billy Joel in concert! For free! The seats aren't that great, but what can you expect for free? Nothing much, only this time I remembered to pull out the binoculars so that I can take them with me. I typically remember the ear plugs and binoculars on the way home from whatever concert I've just seen, so getting them out ahead of time is a major accomplishment. I sat them on top of the tickets so hopefully I'll remember them.

The gifts under my tree are starting to multiply on a daily basis. Nick pointed out last night that our tree looks like his Nana's used to - gifts everywhere. We don't even have kids yet! Maybe this is why it's busting at the seams. We don't have our own children to buy for, so for this year I seem have to gone nuts and probably over-bought for my niece and little brother, but it's hard to say no to good deals. I don't think I've paid full price on a single item. My new daily obsession is the forums over at GottaDeal.com. Those folks are always finding awesome buys, and when it's such a good buy I have a really hard time talking myself out of something.

My neighbor put out more Christmas lights the other night. He has this "contest" mentality about him - apparently because I decorate my yard, that must immediately be trying to out-do his yard. I guess in a way he's right...but I can't help it if my yard looks better. Anyway, since he put more stuff out the other day i'm thinking I need to do a little bit more...you know, all in good neighborly fun. Mom gave me 6 or 7 more boxes of mini lights and a couple more Christmas trees because she bought a ton in January on clearance. (See, I come by it honestly.) I'm going to need another extension cord though......

I finished making a Christmas gift the other day, so I need to post pictures of it - I did another altered book frame. So cool...I love it!


Jen Hoover said...

LoL I want to see pictures of yours and your neighbours decorations :)

just make sure you don't do a griswald ;)

Laurie said...

I hope you have a wonderful time!!! I just LOVE Billy!! did I ever tell you about the time I watched a movie with him?? ok so I wasn't really **WITH** him but we were in the same theater watching the same movie!!!!

{S} said...

LOL!! You are a hoot. I need another extension cord too if I want to add more. I'm in competition with my neighbor. He added musical trees this year. UGH!! It's probably better that I am deaf. Everyone else has had an annoyed response to the mention of those trees. {snickers} At least my house has tact. :~O

TammyB said...

So - how was the concert??