Wednesday, May 14, 2008

American Idol is almost over...

...and this year I have to say I'm kind of glad. What a beating this season has been! Last night was certainly no exception.

I felt bad for Syesha all night because the judges kept giving her a hard time about song choice...on the songs that Syesha didn't pick! Granted, they did give her a hard time about the one she chose but that was actually a decent performance. The producer's song choice for her was terrible, and we all know it's because they want her to go home tonight. Don't give her crap about it though - it's not like she chose the song. I voted for her over 100 times last night. I felt really sorry for her.

David Cook did really well on his first song and then pretty much stunk of the stage with his second performance. I suppose he did fine on the last song, but I'm so tired of hearing that stupid meteor song by Aerosmith that I couldn't even listen. I did find it funny that they brought down the entire orchestra for him but no one else. Hmm....

Archuletta actually tried to sing an R&B song! HA HA HA HA HA!!! It was hysterical!! He should also never be allowed to dance on stage again. His other two songs were slow ballads...more of the same gaspy, over-emoted, eyes-closed garbage that he always does. He also flubbed his lyrics AGAIN, and as usual NO ONE said a thing about it. Sickening. It would make my day so fantastic if he went home tonight.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

I knew Syesha would be the one to go home. She really sings well but the songs weren't great for her. David Cook did great!! He should win. David A was the same as always except trying to do the r&b stuff which really was bad. I really enjoyed seeing their homecomings though.