Ah, the last Idol post. Tonight was the finale; well, not the results but the singing. I had some high hopes for David Cook, and although he did well he just didn't have any WOW moments. Archie seemed to have some of those, even though I'm not a fan. He also wore a blazer with big anchors on it, and I'm assuming he wore that because his mother stayed up late last night embroidering those on there. It was ugly. So, I figure that Archie will win and David Cook will outsell him by a land slide, and we'll all know who the true American Idol is regardless of who the stupid 12-year-olds voted for. I'm just glad I won't be home tomorrow night to watch the tragedy unfold...we're going to see The Police in Dallas! Should be a good show...not sure if cameras are allowed so I'll be pulling out my special concert purse tonight to hide my camera in.
I started my new super cool, awesome and wonderful job yesterday. Imagine this - I get to work at 8 am and I have stuff to do ALL DAY LONG. Before I know it, it's time for lunch and after I eat 4 arrives quickly and then I just have one hour left. It's fabulous. Pretty much everyone I have met and interacted with is great, and it's really cool to see my husband throughout the day. We really don't have a lot of time to chit chat, so occasionally I get a smile from him as he walks by, or I pop in and say hi as I walk past his cubicle to the restroom. We ate lunch together in the breakroom today...so cute. My first week is off to a great start and I'm definitely happier!
We're beginning the the bathroom remodel this Friday. Tomorrow night the plumber is coming to take a look at everything and pick up the fixtures; Friday the demolition begins of the existing shower. I need to take a photo of it so I can do some before-during-after shots. I'm pretty excited...if for no other reason I'm ready to use my own bathroom to shower in. The guest bathroom shower leaves a lot to be desired. It's actually next on the list of stuff to do to the house...I'm think we're going to do a total tile job in there...floor, tub, counter and sink. We might even throw in a new toilet since we're doing the floors. But that remodel is down the road; we'll have to save up money for that. Hey, maybe we'll get another tax stimulus check down the road and that can go towards the other bathroom.
This past weekend I went to the annual Texas Spring retreat at the ranch. There were 7 of us and we had a really great time. I did 40 pages and 22 cards...it was a very productive weekend for me. I haven't even begun to scan them yet so it will probably be next week before I get around to sharing any of them. You'll just have to wait.
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