Monday, February 9, 2009


I had lab work done today at my appointment to confirm what I had pretty much already diagnosed myself with: PCOS...Polycystic Ovary Syndrom. Of course it will take a couple of days for the lab work to come back, but my doctor is so sure that this is the course of my problems that he has already prescribed Metformin for me. I feel better knowing something more concrete, so now it's another bit of a waiting game to see what the Metformin does for me. I can only have confidence that it will help in some way. It all makes sense though and really adds up when I go down the list of symptoms.

If I seem a little bit off or maybe just crazy some days, you can't blame me - my hormones are out of balance, although if this medication works then I won't be able to use that excuse anymore. I do hope that it will help with my weight loss though. One of the side effects of PCOS is difficulty losing weight, and although I've done a really good job in the past year my results are just not near what I wanted them to be. Nick has had awesome results, and mine have only been so-so which was really frustrating because our diets were pretty much the same. Now I realize that this might have been causing some of the problems, and it makes me feel better to know that all the hard work I've been doing has been good enough. I just had an extra obstacle to overcome.

Thank you so much for all the prayers, and continue to keep us in your prayers. Eventually it will all sort itself out...I have to have faith in that.


{S} said...

good luck with the meds. I will keep sending up prayers for you guys. (((hugs)))

TammyB said...

Oh wow! I'm so glad you now know what is going on.

craftydoodle said...

Hey Brandi,

I have PCOS too, and since I got diagnosed, it has been wonderful. I have a lot of info inlcuding a link to a placethat has supplements that help and a few books that I highly recommend. Let me know if you are interested. It's quite the journey to find the right dosage of medicine, but once you do you feel so much better. When I read your blog a week ago I had a feeling it may be pcos. Shortly after I was diagnosed I became pregnant with Matthew (literally the first month we tried, and we were trying for four years before that), because we finally found something to regulate my system. (((hugs))) and please let me know if you have any questions, I am pretty well versed at this point.

craftydoodle said...

Hey Brandi, I have pcos too, and felt so good when I finally had an answer to what was wrong. I just had this long post, but it got lost. If you want book recommendations that I found really helpful, or a link to a website specifically for pcos which has supplements, please let me know. Before I found out I had it we tried for four years to have a baby with no luck. That was with fertility drugs and everything. As soon as we found out and got on the medication, everything regulated itself out and I was pregnant the first month we tried. Please let me know if you need any help or any questions, I am pretty well versed about it at this point. (((hugs))) Nicole

Angy said...

It is great to know that things aren't in your "head" like some drs are prone to believe. Now that you know I hope that the meds help you to get things under control. I, for one, can't wait to see you with a precious little one! Love ya and miss you!

Sherri said...

well I'm sure it's good to have an answer. Praying the medication works for you!

Laurie said...

I'll be keeping you in my prayers. I hope the meds help you feel better

Ann Marie said...

I'm glad you're having the lab work done now--I had a string of doctors convinced I had PCOS, but when the lab work was finally done, it was not the issue. And I've got every "symptom" of it, too, just not quite all the hormones or any cysts to prove it.

At any rate, I know it feels good to know what's going on, to have more information, and to know that the problem is being addressed. Be sure that your doctor follows up with more lab work in a few weeks to make sure the Metformin is working and not causing any problems for your liver.
