Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Zoo Day

Sorry if my zoo posts get boring, or repetitive, but I can't help but share the cute photos that Kate and I get while we are visiting the zoo.  Yesterday was our third trip this year, and we stayed a couple of hours until Kate got very tired and was ready to go. She also fell down a couple of times when she was running with a little too much reckless abandon and bruised her knee, so I think she was pretty much done with the animals for the day after the second fall. It just breaks my heart every time she falls down, even when she doesn't hurt herself. I guess that's part of being a parent though.

We rode the train from the entrance back to the Texas area of the zoo this trip, which we had not done yet.  I had just enough quarters in my wallet for the $1 ticket.  Kate loved the train and when we got off she wanted to ride again, but I only had $0.60 left so next time I'm going to have to remember to take a couple of dollars with me. She also asked to ride the carousel...oops.  She was so excited when the train stopped right next to a pen with some moo cows and longhorns, and next to them were a couple of horses.  It doesn't take exotic animals to thrill my toddler, for sure. She kept asking for more moo cows.  (Last time we were at the zoo, she wanted to see puppies.)
The weather was gorgeous so a lot of the animals that are usually napping when we've been there were awake and moving around, like the lion.  He's always laying up on the rock ledge snoozing when we visit, but today he was munching on some blades of grass. He must be excited because the zoo just acquired two lionesses, which are housed next door to him, and they were checking out all of the birds and new surroundings. They had the fence blocked with caution tape to keep everyone back a little bit farther from the lionesses, so they must be very new to the zoo.  The sloth bear was also moving around his pen, and he kept getting very close to us and sniffing around. Kate wouldn't stand anywhere near the fence, even though he was separated from us by a 12 foot drop.
We only have to make one more zoo trip to "pay" for my membership this year, and I definitely think we'll hit that and more.

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