Monday, January 14, 2013

So it begins.

Our realtor came on Saturday to visit with us and take a look at the house. We came up with a plan and thankfully the list she have us of things to do before we list wasn't too terrible or expensive. We went room by room and came up with a plan. So today I got started.

Last week, you may recall, I painted one walk of our bedroom. I want to finish the room out so today I painted one more wall before I ran out of paint as well as time. On my second trip to Home Depot I spotted some laminate tile that was on clearance and decided that the hall bathroom needed a new floor because I didn't do a very good job the first time around. One of the things on our list was to recall the toilets so today was a great time to remove the old caulk.

I finished the wall paint and then finished the floor all right as Nick and Kate got home from Yiayia's house.

1 comment:

{S} said...

you can do it! wishing you luck on selling this time!