Wednesday, September 3, 2014

MapMyWalk: August 2014

August was a killer month! Part of the reason was because I had some serious motivation - since Nick and I joined the Biggest Loser challenge on July 20 I knew I had to keep it up if I was going to do well in the competition. Competition is a huge motivation for me because I always want to WIN. So I really stuck to my guns and made sure I got at least 30 minutes of exercise every single day - heck, I even went walking or running 3 of the days we were in Galveston! I ate really well while on vacation too and came home less than a pound heavier than when I left. All things considered, I was perfectly happy with that.

Here's my August stats:
94.73 Total Miles
24.05 total hours
15,828 Total Calories

In the month of August, I took 392,151 steps (which includes all walking, not just exercise).
For 2014, I have completed 489.41 miles with  110.59 left to reach my goal of 600 exercise miles. No problem!

So you're probably wondering about the 6 weeks challenge, right? I managed to lose a total of 14 pounds and 15.875 inches! I love over 5" in my chest, 3" in my waist, over 3" in my hips...and the rest was arms, neck, thigh and calf. I see no reason to stop now that the challenge is over either.
In fact, I dare say that I'm a bit addicted to exercise now. I'm still doing my Leslie Sansone videos (I found 3 more today at Half Price Books!) and now that Kate has started back to pre-school I can start running outside on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have a 10k to prepare for, after all. I have 171 days left to train!

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