Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Zoo day!

It's been a really long time since Kate and I went to the zoo. So long, in fact, that our membership had expired and I needed to renew it. We didn't even plan to go the other day. On the way to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's cash, I was admiring what a beautiful day it was and asked Kate if she would rather do the zoo than go get her some new undies. Of course she said yes.
We did our usual route and had hoped to be able to see the new baby giraffe that was born a few months ago, but I guess they keep her inside for part of the day because we couldn't find her anywhere. We checked in on the baby elephants, who are now big enough that they get to stay outside all day and are still so stinking cute!
It actually started to get pretty warm and we were getting tired, so we left and headed home mid-afternoon. Now that our membership is renewed for a year, we will have to make a point to go back often.

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